Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Morning, New Start

You know how some days are just write-offs? That would describe yesterday. I wasn't overly "naughty" -- I just didn't keep track of anything or pay much attention to keeping things balanced. Part of it was because SisKris and her family were still in town, and my mind was in "party" mode. But today they are heading home (they might already be on the road), and I'm back on track.

Isn't it funny how, when we are around people who have shared our history of crazy eating, that we just automatically regress to that? It's not like she was trying to lead me off-track -- SisKris was being very helpful and conscious of points before offering me anything -- but my brain was already off in La-La-Land. It was like a silent switch had been flicked.

Like I said -- it was just one day, and I didn't go overboard. But there might be a tiny bright side to SisKris living in another province -- I doubt I'd be able to stay on program if we were together every day.

Point to ponder: I was thinking about this the other night while being inundated by fast food commercials while trying to watch television. In the early 70s, cigarettes were still allowed to advertise on TV, but eventually were banned because of the fact that they can kill you. Do you think that fast food will eventually have the same advertising ban?

Oh, I hope so. It would make sticking to program so much easier. None of us need that extra temptation, whether we're actively trying to lose weight or not.

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