Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pondering Yields Emporium.

For the last little while, I've been trying to think my way out of something. Between the cost of my WW meetings, the gym, the website, and even the cost of healthier food, it gets expensive. I've been trying to think of a way to perhaps subsidize all of this, even if it's just to a tiny degree.

I've seen lots of websites and blogs with "make a donation" Paypal buttons on them, but that's simply not for me. I'm just not a "something for nothing" kind of girl. So I've come up with a solution that allows me to be creative, to perhaps help spur on a few other people with the same struggles as me, and maybe earn a few pennies here and there as well.

Introducing Frank and Jim's Emporium. There are only a few products available right now, but I plan to expand as time goes on. My idea is to create things that might make someone else's journey just a little bit easier -- things I'd be likely to pick up myself. I hope you like my efforts, and if you decide to pick something up, that's great too.

Note: Any revenue generated from the Emporium will go directly towards my weight loss journey. (Not one penny of the proceeds will go to anyone named Ben or Jerry. *grin*)

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