Sunday, March 11, 2007

Diet Pepsi Addict No More

Well, today is Day 7 with no Diet Pepsi. The headaches have mercifully calmed down, and I can't tell you how happy I am about that!

Some people have asked me why I decided to cut DP out of my life. Well, it was for a number of reasons, but the primary one was that I was drinking too much of it, and then not getting my water in as a result. I have decided to still drink pop, but I'm going to pick up Diet 7-Up instead. I like the taste, and best of all, because it has no caffeine, it can count as up to half of my daily water intake. It's harder to find if I'm out and about (like at a restaurant, for example), but I just have water instead if it's not available. (Not automatically saying "Diet Pepsi" is the hardest part!)

This week I sat down and made some commitments to getting myself back on track. I'm worried that I've forgotten them already, but this is what I think they are:

- Hop on the scale each and every morning. Some people can't do that, because it makes them obsessive. I find it focuses me, and on the days I don't do it, I'm totally off-program.

- Write everything down. Everything. Even if I can't figure out the points (I don't do so well when dining out if there's no info online), I'm still going to write it down. It means taking responsibility for what I have eaten, and being conscious of what it is I'm eating. No more "convenient forgetting".

- Find Jim (the exercise bike) and put him to some use. Last time I saw him, he was lying on his side under a bunch of boxes. I kid you not. The gym isn't working for me at the moment, but this is something I can do here.

I am ecstatic to see that it is foggy and raining out there this morning. Winter is on the way out! Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

I believe those were the goals for the week! Glad you remembered them. When are you going to find Jim? :)


Anonymous said...

Come visit us at the ez board!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Karen, I miss your updates. How are things going?
