Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Well, I almost made it.

I woke up at 4:00 AM, that magic hour which means I cannot, for the life of me, get back to sleep.

So I decided that if I were still awake at 4:45, I'd get up and go to the gym when it opened at 5:30 AM.

Great plan, except that I realized I'd have to find my clothes and shoes in the dark, plus the LifeDrive (AKA The Treadmill Music Machine) wasn't fully charged. So I'm still in bed, wide awake, making plans to put an "early morning gym kit" together tonight so I can grab it and go in the dark, and promising myself to plug in the LifeDrive before I go to sleep.

I weighed myself at 4 AM, and I was pleased to see that most of the five pounds I gained last week is gone. I'm back to weighing forty pounds less than I did when I started this website. The fact that I didn't gain it all back (like I did every other time before getting back on track) shows that, although it's still a daily struggle, I've learned something this time around.

I guess the most recent lesson is "be prepared for insomniac trips to the gym". *grin*

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