Friday, January 26, 2007

"Be an After".

I love the new WW ads I've been seeing. I love the whole "be an After" idea, with the way it encourages people to envision what they could become. I like the way that it subtly reminds us that "Before" is not a permanent state, that it's just a starting point, and that there's somewhere else to go. I don't think the ad even uses the word "Before" -- it knows that we know what they're talking about. Their target audience is people who have seen so many "before and after" photos, and deep down thought that they'd never make it. "Be an After" tells us that it is possible, no matter what the little voices in the back of our heads say.

The other thing I really love about this ad is that the people in it are so obviously real. The dead giveaway? "We lost OUR weight ..."

How many of us talk about "our" weight? We all do. It's a part of us. It belongs to us, and ultimately it's our responsibility. By saying "our", instead of "the", the ad hits so much closer to home. When you're overweight, and have been for a long time, that weight is an omnipresent force in your life. It affects each and every single aspect of your day. It owns you and you own it.

It truly is "our" weight, because it's not just some indefinite struggle. It's simply too big for the word "the".

I might be babbling here, but I really, really like that ad. And I will "Be an After".

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