Sunday, December 17, 2006

Compromise and Other Ideas

I know it's been awful quiet around here lately -- Thanks for sticking around. I won't moan, groan, and go on (I've already done that on my other blog), but I thought I should check in.

In short, things are a little rough. I've decided that, where my weight loss journey is concerned, I'm on hiatus. I'm not going to add the pressure of trying to go back on program to everything else I'm trying to get through right now. So I've given myself permission to wait until the New Year (or perhaps just December 30th, the closest Saturday to the New Year). I'm still making myself go to meetings, whether it's the new early one, or the later one I used to attend. That way, I still have to take responsibility for what I gain between now and then, and my brain will still be somewhat "in the mode".

WW is coming out with a new tweaking of the program, and I'm pretty excited about it. First of all, they have a new award for us long-timers. And that makes me happy. I'm glad for all of those people who get to goal without too much time elapsing, but for those of us who have to stick it out for a long time, it's nice to have some other tangible reward to look forward to.

I like the new WW centre, too. Besides having a debit machine, I like the fact that it's in the same parking lot as the dreaded Boston Pizza (home of the warm brownie sundae I owe my soul to). If I choose to, I can stare at the WW sign while parked in front of Boston Pizza, and allow the guilt to get to me. (Of course, there are days I choose to park with my back to the WW sign, but hey.)

Other plans in the new year involve joining Nubody's, a gym near work that opens at 5:30 AM. I know it will be a few months before I can successfully get up that early, but as a substitute teacher, I need to be able to go to the gym and still have time to come home and get ready, should I be called in unexpectedly.

So, in short, I'm still here. I'll try to check in more often.

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