Thursday, March 16, 2006

Things are not going so well right now.

There's a strong chance I will be up again this week, the second week in a row.

It's emotional eating, folks. After months of having a tight rein on the Eating Machine, the last two weeks have nearly done me in. Without getting into too many gory details, I'm pretty stressed right now. I haven't been sleeping well, and when I have, I've been dreaming about the things I'm stressed out about. It's mostly got to do with how I'm going to fix my car when I have a job that means my income depends entirely on the whims of others. On an almost nightly basis for the past ten nights, I've been waking up at about three in the morning and then am unable to get back to sleep before it's time to get up.

The support I'm receiving is incredible. I just wish I could package up all of those great people and have them talking to me non-stop as I'm being battered by the thoughts of the fridge.

I think it might be time to bring out my old friend Jim. I'm not even sure where he is at the moment, but maybe he can help off-set some of the damage I'm doing.

It's almost spring. That should be my new mantra.

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