Saturday, February 18, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 26 -- 230.6 lbs (1.0 down this week; 58.6 WW total)

I was hoping for my 60-lb ribbon this week, but I knew going in that it was unlikely to happen. Besides me having a "hungry" week, it was also Teacher Appreciation Week at school. Tuesday it was a huge sheet pound cake. Wednesday, thank heavens, meant veggie trays (and I managed to stay away from the dip til the very end), and Friday was boxes and boxes from the best bakery in town. I tell ya, these are the times that try our souls! So a one-pound week is livable -- I'm just that much closer to the 60-lb ribbon next week.

In some ways, this weight-loss journey is getting harder. In other ways, it's getting easier.

One of the students at school, as a joke, gave me a really cool gift. I know he meant it as a gag, but I was truly thrilled. I've been thinking that I wanted to do some sort of altered Valentine art, but chocolates were a no-no for me. Well, this kid laughingly gave me his empty heart-shaped Ferrerro Rocher box. How cool is that?

The weather out there is bitterly cold. I had thought about taking the dog to the park, but no way today. We'd both freeze to death.

Just got home from "lunch and a movie", courtesy of my own personal Cupid. We went to Swiss Chalet for lunch, where I indulged a little bit in my favourites (Greek salad, chicken spring rolls, and the garlic-cheese-loaf-without-the-cheese). Once I get to goal, I won't have a high enough daily points allowance to be able to work it in so easily, so I'm going to enjoy it now while I can. :) I'm not even hungry now, so having a super-light supper isn't going to be much of a challenge.

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