Sunday, August 12, 2007

Move it on over ...

Well, as promised, I have updated (and moved!) my Workin' With Frank and Jim website. You can now find it at (just by clicking the handy link on the sidebar).

I did a little streamlining, but I think the biggest thing I did was to add all of the data from my "holding pattern" from the past year. Looking at the dates and the data, it's really obvious when I derailed, and how what was going on in my life was affecting me. It's a little weird to see something prove I'm right. *grin*

Anyway, take a look-see and tell me what you think. And don't forget to update your bookmarks!

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to be Karen! I am thrilled to hear about your success once again. Glad to see you back in the swing!
